“For Those Who Wait” by EMBERGRACE
Contestant's Christian Charity: Saints Collective ChurchI chose the song “For Those Who Wait” by Fireflight because it’s a beautiful reminder that even though we may experience tough circumstances in this world, those hard moments are pruning us for what God has in store for our lives. His plans are good and are always worth the wait.
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"Where Feet May Fail" by Savannah Lowery
I did this song because it reminds me I'm not alone. I have 4 kids under 4, one being a foster and at times it gets very [...]Vote Count: 0
From: Rutledge, TN -
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The story behind this song was about how my friends left me friendless for 6 years. I was alone everyday and bullied, and [...]Vote Count: 0
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I wrote this song after having my vehicle stolen when I moved to Fayetteville. I wasn't sure how the situation would end, but [...]Vote Count: 0
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