“Perfectly Loved” by Lillian Bennett
Contestant's Christian Charity: Hillsboro NazareneThis song means so much… it’s a reminder that no what is your past or how many times you mess up, we are not only loved but perfectly loved! It’s a love that is so pure and genuine that it surpasses all logic. It is something everyone needs to know.
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"Clean" by Jenipher Reinhold
This song has always expressed perfectly exactly what Jesus has done for me. He has made me "Clean." I have original songs [...]Vote Count: 0
From: Fishers, IN -
"Where Feet May Fail" by Savannah Lowery
I did this song because it reminds me I'm not alone. I have 4 kids under 4, one being a foster and at times it gets very [...]Vote Count: 0
From: Rutledge, TN -
"Goodness of God" by Dallas Young
I chose "Goodness of God" by Cece Winans because this song truly speaks to my heart! When my father committed suicide, I didn [...]Vote Count: 0
From: Greenville, SC