“Tremble” by Hannah Blankenship
Contestant's Christian Charity: Bethany Westville BaptistHey y’all! My name is Hannah. I chose the song Tremble because it glorifies God. One of my life verses is 1 Chronicles 16:29-31 and it says to bring your offering and worship God. Let the whole earth tremble before Him, and give Him the glory He deserves.
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"Faithful" by Christopher Simeon
I wrote this song after having my vehicle stolen when I moved to Fayetteville. I wasn't sure how the situation would end, but [...]Vote Count: 0
From: Fayetteville, NC -
"Hard Fought Hallelujah" by Jacob Mellor
I don’t deserve and I can never earn my salvation, but God is rich in mercy, paid my debt, so that I may live. However, if I [...]Vote Count: 0
From: Collinsville, IL -
"Days of Wasting" by Matthew Rivera
I chose this song because it was my first ever recorded song written entirely on one Sunday morning. I decided to stay home [...]Vote Count: 0
From: Jenkinsburg, GA