“This is the Stuff” by Alexis Stough
Contestant's Christian Charity: Charter Oak Church CrossroadsThis is the Stuff By Francesca Battistelli has always been one of my favorite songs. When I was younger I sang to this song any time it came on. That song is very relatable since there are so many times we all lose sight of the big picture of how amazing our God Is!
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"Come Jesus Come" by Ashley Strong
"Come Jesus Come" is such a special song to me. It truly encompasses our need and longing for the return of our King, Jesus [...]Vote Count: 0
"Before the King" by Marjory Ramos
I chose to submit "Before the King" because it beautifully captures the heart of worship—laying everything at the feet of [...]Vote Count: 0
"Hold Us Together" by Maize Gabriel
Hold us together Tauren Wells Ft H.E.R. Cover Maize Gabriel ft Faith [...]Vote Count: 0
From: Grafton, AU