“The World Can Wait” by Leo V
Contestant's Christian Charity: The Way of WashingtonThis video is a studio production filmed in black & white. I picked this song b/c it stresses the importance of starting the day by making time to pray and not allowing the world or things in one’s life interfere with your relationship-prayer with God.
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"Worthy is Your Name" by Elisha Shalom
I have had the hardest year and all I have been doing is trusting God for a miracle. Singing a song like this gives me so [...]Vote Count: 0
From: Phoenix, SOUTH AFRICA -
"He's In The Midst" by Bex Howell
No matter what we are going thru in life Jesus is always with us, no matter the circumstances. As long as we keep our focus [...]Vote Count: 0
From: Ocoee, FL -
"Holy Forever" by Geovany Rodriguez
This video was recorded during worship time with team of worship in a Sunday service of the "Mission City Church", from San [...]Vote Count: 0