“Sanctify” by Diana Harding
Contestant's Christian Charity: C3 Fort WorthThis is an original song I wrote with a friend, and I wanted to share it because it is my personal prayer. ‘Sanctify me through and through, Lord make me more like You.’ My heart’s desire is to be like Him and to share that with others. As a worshiper, my hope is that I can inspire others to live their lives in Christ.
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"Counting My Blessings" by Jessica Parrent
Here I sing and play guitar, drums and keyboard to Seph Schlueter's popular song, "Counting My Blessings." I chose this song [...]Vote Count: 0
From: Chehalis, WA -
"Hard Fought Hallelujah" by Trever Jones
I choose this song because it just hits home. It's a song I can blast and just worship. Jesus has called me and family to [...]Vote Count: 0
From: Huntington, IN -
"Where Feet May Fail" by Savannah Lowery
I did this song because it reminds me I'm not alone. I have 4 kids under 4, one being a foster and at times it gets very [...]Vote Count: 0
From: Rutledge, TN