“Make Room” by Carrie Brooke McCune
Contestant's Christian Charity: Cross Roads United Methodist ChurchSo many times we get so distracted and forget that all God wants is our hearts and our surrender. We have to make room for God to work and move through us! Sometimes we get so caught up in tradition and religion and we have to put it all aside and make room for God!
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"Tremble" by Hannah Blankenship
Hey y’all! My name is Hannah. I chose the song Tremble because it glorifies God. One of my life verses is 1 Chronicles 16:29 [...]Vote Count: 0
From: Westville, SC -
"Rescue" by Hannah Winslow
This song has deep meaning to me, as Jesus reached out and rescued me from the deep pain, trauma and heartbreak I experienced [...]Vote Count: 0
From: Thomasville, NC -
"Refiner" by Dani LaCour
I chose Refiner because it’s a powerful song and it’s one of the first songs I started listening to when I really got into my [...]Vote Count: 0
From: Lake Charles, LA