“Guiding My Life” by Brendi Follert
I chose this song because its a reminder of where God has brought me from and where he’s brought me to and that when things are uncertain or hard he is always guiding me just like he was back then when I never new it could get better. ❤️
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"In Jesus Name" by Fiori Isayas
Sometimes, all you can do is call on the name of JESUSVote Count: 0
From: Albany, NY -
"Forever" by Tayler Gothard
I chose “Forever” by Kari Jobe because it is a declaration of Jesus overcoming the grave and proclaiming that death could not [...]Vote Count: 0
From: Artesia, NM -
"Goodness of God" by Dallas Young
I chose "Goodness of God" by Cece Winans because this song truly speaks to my heart! When my father committed suicide, I didn [...]Vote Count: 0
From: Greenville, SC