“Cornerstone” by Timothy Driggers
Contestant's Christian Charity: Thrive ChurchI chose this song because, Christ truly has been the Cornerstone in my life. When it all felt like too much to handle, when I felt like my world was about to come crashing down on top of me, Christ was the Cornerstone. He was strength when I had none left.
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"Faithful" by Christopher Simeon
I wrote this song after having my vehicle stolen when I moved to Fayetteville. I wasn't sure how the situation would end, but [...]Vote Count: 0
From: Fayetteville, NC -
"Rescue" by Hannah Winslow
This song has deep meaning to me, as Jesus reached out and rescued me from the deep pain, trauma and heartbreak I experienced [...]Vote Count: 0
From: Thomasville, NC -
"Who You Are" by Caleb Fullmer
The story behind this song was about how my friends left me friendless for 6 years. I was alone everyday and bullied, and [...]Vote Count: 0
From: Cedar Hills, UT