“All For Nothing” by Alicia & Whitney
Contestant's Christian Charity: Keepin' It Global MinistriesWe wrote this song after reading Ecclesiates, where Solomon talks about everything being meaningless. The truth is, life is meaningless apart from knowing Jesus and serving Him. At the end of our lives, when we look back, we know it will all be for nothing, if it’s not all for Him.
This testimonial will not be part of the scoring material, but will allow the General Public to know more about the contestant and their faith.
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Worshiping my Creator after a near death experience, because He is so good and His mercies endure forever [...]Vote Count: 0
From: Deland, FL -
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This is a song I wrote, called “I Know You Hear Me.” I personally have experienced what glories God can help you achieve and [...]Vote Count: 0
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