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Scott DeClaire Jr added a new music video
I love stories and the story of the Prodigal Son is one of my favorites. I wrote this song with the amazing Sam Hart as we tried to capture this story in a unique way. My favorite part is when the father is WAITING for his son and runs with arms wide. Our Father waits for us, and I'm on my way home!
Shari Frink and
Scott DeClaire Jr are now friends
Anna Rose and
Scott DeClaire Jr are now friends
Terrell Summers and
Scott DeClaire Jr are now friends
Seth Tymeson and
Scott DeClaire Jr are now friends
Kayla Spurlock and
Scott DeClaire Jr are now friends
John Heinrich and
Scott DeClaire Jr are now friends
Fellow song writers.. song writing retreat coming up in Michigan this summer if you are interested check out Lake City Lights here > https://lakecitylights.com/home
First ever music video?? Has anyone else ever did one? What was your response like from your fans?
Ha! that should have said “First ever music video!!” that wasn’t part of the question.. oops
You are cool Scott and what a YouTube following!
Thanks for your testimony! I subscribedWould you consider Subscribing to my channel and Like “Run”?
Good luck with this showcase! – Kayla <3
I’m really excited to share with you all a new song that is out TODAY!!
The story of the prodigal son has always been one of my favorite stories. I think it’s because I have always related to the younger son in that I have always strived to do things my own way in hopes that I could prove that I’m worthy of something. For most of my life I hav…Read More
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