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Jefferyaddison is with Troubaduo
I think that after this mornings church service I am quitting music. I think it’s time to hang it up
God definitely gave you gifts to be used to share His Love, Peace, Hope and Freedom with others!! Even if one is touched and comes home to Him… Heaven rejoices over one that repents and returns!! Continue to share your gifts Bro. God LOVES hearing your praise to Him! You were made to praise Him and He undoubtedly gave you many gifts to be used…Read More
Don’t give up! You are a very talented musician and songwriter with a beautiful voice! It is easy to feel discouraged when comparing and competing with each other, but you have a gift that God has given you to share far beyond this contest. Praying for you!
Jefferyaddison is with Troubaduo
Y’all are really burning it up congratulations me I am almost in last place. It has made me rethink My whole life in music. My own children didn’t even vote
1 Comment-
There is still time!! It’s just the Start!! Praying for you & your Family Brother!!! You are so talented!! You really stood out in the showcase videos!! Keep sharing your gift…
Thank you for your encouragement. We are very thankful. Shalom Brother
For some reason I think I have been removed from the talent contest. My picture and video no longer appear on the contestants page. I don’t understand why
You’re still on there Brother … https://yougodsmusic.org/music-video/every-tear-that-falls-by-jeff-addison/
It’s the site, it logs you out all of the time! I have to keep constantly signing back in!
I spent the weekend with my friends and family. My grandchildren are such a blessing. They have unconditional love for me. It’s humbling to see there love and know I don’t deserve it. Sort of how God loves us.
Glad you got to hang with your grandchildren Brother!!! Children are a Blessing from the Lord!!!!
Kayla Spurlock and
Jefferyaddison are now friends
Gmarchuk and
Jefferyaddison are now friends
Please give me some feedback on this song. I feel like it’s the best one I have ever written
This is really great Jeffery! I really enjoyed it!! There aren’t a lot of people writing Christian music in that style…so keep at it!! You have a beautiful voice as well!
Beautiful song, Brother Jeffery!!!! Love your sound!!! Thanks for sharing this message of Love!!!
Jefferyaddison and
Cameron Ray are now friends
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No! Sing to Lord
he loves to hear His children praise Him