Austin Travis added a new music video
• 9 months, 2 weeks agoI choose this song, because it was the first song that influenced me to step out of the box and be bold. As I started playing more, it was a goal of mine to learn this song 2.5 years after starting my musical journey. I choose this song to solidify the fact that God has brought me this far in my journey.
thank you for being a friend! https://open.spotify.com/track/5WLBrzytYwuxCZ1NjJKUWu?si=929b649ca5384478 – Sincerely – in Christ, ~ thurane
Howard Gripp
Joy Brewer
Clara Terry
let’s be friends! https://youtu.be/sP1cVlz9D_A?si=79M70kMkg7PZX0zQ Sincerely – in Christ, ~thurane