“King of the World” by Hayley Clarice
Contestant's Christian Charity: New Beginnings of Central FloridaLetting go of control and fully trusting in God isn’t always easy. “King of the World” is a beautiful reminder that God’s plan for us is far greater than our own, and that He is so much greater than the limiting beliefs we place on Him.
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"Rescue" by Hannah Winslow
This song has deep meaning to me, as Jesus reached out and rescued me from the deep pain, trauma and heartbreak I experienced [...]Vote Count: 0
From: Thomasville, NC -
"Hey Lord" by David Mercado
"Hey Lord," my latest single from *He's Calling*, is a reminder to always call out to God, even when you feel alone. He’s [...]Vote Count: 0
From: Far Rockaway, NY