“So Will I” by Phoenix McKenna
Contestant's Christian Charity: Fort Qu' Appelle St. Andrew's United ChurchI chose this song because sometimes we forget why we do the things we do, and need to be reminded that all we do is worship to God in some way or another. That, if the stars and earth and universe were made to worship, THEN SO WILL I!
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"Thank God I Do" by Baylee Fisher
This song is the perfect description for how I’ve felt the past year. This beautiful song describes the feeling of being [...]Vote Count: 0
From: Booneville, MS -
"Worshiping My Lord and Savior" by Kristie McCown
Worshiping my Creator after a near death experience, because He is so good and His mercies endure forever [...]Vote Count: 0
From: Deland, FL -
"Jesus, Have it All" by Alex Smith
The reason I chose "Jesus, Have it All" is because it is my heart that cries in this season of my life. All my days, All my [...]Vote Count: 0
From: Jacksonville, NC