“Shine” by Patrick Bliss
Contestant's Christian Charity: Richlands Methodist ChurchAn acoustic cover of Collective Soul’s “Shine”. A prayer set to music. With it, I hope to challenge the notion of what is/isn’t considered a praise song. “In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not [and WILL not] overcome it.”
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"Before the King" by Marjory Ramos
I chose to submit "Before the King" because it beautifully captures the heart of worship—laying everything at the feet of [...]Vote Count: 0
"Wonderfully Made..." by Lucy Hannah
A mashup of songs, "Wonderfully Made, How He Loves, I Will Carry You," I recently performed for a charity galaVote Count: 0
From: Boerne, TX -
"Rescue" by Hannah Winslow
This song has deep meaning to me, as Jesus reached out and rescued me from the deep pain, trauma and heartbreak I experienced [...]Vote Count: 0
From: Thomasville, NC