“Love Note” by Alli Carter
Contestant's Christian Charity: Community Christian ChurchI choose this song because it is an accurate representation of the relationship between Jesus and I. My friend recommend me this song, and when I first heard it I cried, because of how closely I relate and how much I love our closeness.
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"Hold Us Together" by Maize Gabriel
Hold us together Tauren Wells Ft H.E.R. Cover Maize Gabriel ft Faith [...]Vote Count: 0
From: Grafton, AU -
"Clean" by Jenipher Reinhold
This song has always expressed perfectly exactly what Jesus has done for me. He has made me "Clean." I have original songs [...]Vote Count: 0
From: Fishers, IN -
"Jesus, Have it All" by Alex Smith
The reason I chose "Jesus, Have it All" is because it is my heart that cries in this season of my life. All my days, All my [...]Vote Count: 0
From: Jacksonville, NC