“Jesus Have It All” by Marina Bublik
Contestant's Christian Charity: House of Worship Discipleship CenterThis song is a good reminder of a surrendering heart before our Lord Jesus who ultimately gave it all up so that we can live. Our hearts ought to reflect surrender and submission to live for others rather than to ourselves.
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"Worshiping My Lord and Savior" by Kristie McCown
Worshiping my Creator after a near death experience, because He is so good and His mercies endure forever [...]Vote Count: 0
From: Deland, FL -
"Where Feet May Fail" by Savannah Lowery
I did this song because it reminds me I'm not alone. I have 4 kids under 4, one being a foster and at times it gets very [...]Vote Count: 0
From: Rutledge, TN -
"Mary Did You Know" by Hannah Grace Rhodes
I chose the song "Mary Did You Know" because it is a beautiful song that fills my heart with the love of JesusVote Count: 0
From: Charlotte, NC