“In Jesus Name” by Vineyard Chicks Homestead
Contestant's Christian Charity: Western Days MinistriesThis song is a powerful reminder that we serve the creator of all things and all things are possible when we pray in the name of Jesus. In Jesus name, prayers are answered, the sick are healed and people turn from sin and addiction. In Jesus name we pray for miracles and miracles happen every day!
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"Tremble" by Hannah Blankenship
Hey y’all! My name is Hannah. I chose the song Tremble because it glorifies God. One of my life verses is 1 Chronicles 16:29 [...]Vote Count: 0
From: Westville, SC -
"Your the One" by Corey McCahill
Seeing Jesus for the first timeVote Count: 0
From: New Philadelphia, OH -
"Worshiping My Lord and Savior" by Kristie McCown
Worshiping my Creator after a near death experience, because He is so good and His mercies endure forever [...]Vote Count: 0
From: Deland, FL