“I Worship Your Name” by Hayley Adesina
Contestant's Christian Charity: Hayley's International Music MinistryThis song was inspired from Holy Spirit in my time of Worship with God, when I was reflecting on the name of Jesus, how Great & Mighty is his name & from the book of Revelation 19 v 16
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"Faithful" by Christopher Simeon
I wrote this song after having my vehicle stolen when I moved to Fayetteville. I wasn't sure how the situation would end, but [...]Vote Count: 0
From: Fayetteville, NC -
"In Jesus Name" by Fiori Isayas
Sometimes, all you can do is call on the name of JESUSVote Count: 0
From: Albany, NY -
"Jesus, Have it All" by Alex Smith
The reason I chose "Jesus, Have it All" is because it is my heart that cries in this season of my life. All my days, All my [...]Vote Count: 0
From: Jacksonville, NC