“Goodness of God” by Aerianna Hubbard
Contestant's Christian Charity: Redemption Apostlic ChurchI chose this song because it really describes my testimony. The goodness of God and the love that He has shown is why I’m here today. I was with depression and suicidal thoughts, but because of the love that God has shown me I can use the gift that He gave me to display that.
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"I Was There" by Mike & Charles
I wrote this song as a reflection of who I am, today, in light of what Christ did for me some 2000 years ago. "I Was There [...]Vote Count: 0
From: Columbia Station, OH -
"I Trust In God" by Anthony Henry
Hello, I am so excited and grateful for you all to reach out God is good. This song means so much to me because during the [...]Vote Count: 0
From: Dispatana, VA -
"Before the King" by Marjory Ramos
I chose to submit "Before the King" because it beautifully captures the heart of worship—laying everything at the feet of [...]Vote Count: 0
From: Newport News, VA