“Finish Line” by Amanda Davey
Contestant's Christian Charity: Christian Family ChurchAll my songs Glorify GOD, have a testimony, and multiple scriptures of Truth. I chose this because of my son’s testimony. I witnessed God’s miraculous hand at work in my son’s life just this last year. He crossed that finish line with the same tenacity as this song. I’M GONNA CROSS THAT FINISH LINE!
This testimonial will not be part of the scoring material, but will allow the General Public to know more about the contestant and their faith.
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"Forever" by Tayler Gothard
I chose “Forever” by Kari Jobe because it is a declaration of Jesus overcoming the grave and proclaiming that death could not [...]Vote Count: 0
From: Artesia, NM -
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Sometimes, all you can do is call on the name of JESUSVote Count: 0
From: Albany, NY -
"Tremble" by Hannah Blankenship
Hey y’all! My name is Hannah. I chose the song Tremble because it glorifies God. One of my life verses is 1 Chronicles 16:29 [...]Vote Count: 0
From: Westville, SC