As a member of the You God's Music Community, you have access to all of our website's greatest features.
As an artist within our community, you have the ability to post updates, share your message and testemony of faith through music, connect with other artists and share Christian music videos.
You can also participage in the annual You God's Music showcase for a chance to perform live in San Antonio, TX this July and win a recording artist package and cash prze for you and your church sponsor!
As an artist within our community, you have the ability to post updates, share your message and testimony of faith through music, connect with other artists and share Christian music videos.
You can also participage in the annual You God's Music showcase for a chance to perform live in San Antonio, TX this July and win a recording artist package and cash prze for you and your church sponsor!
Both supporters and artists can cast votes during the Showcase to help their favorite contestants move closer to performing in our Final event this July in San Antonio. By voting, you're also helping fund the up-and coming Christian artist and their church sponsor, as part of your vote proceeds goes directly to them.
How to submit an audition video to the YGM Showcase:

How to like and share a contestant video: