• a year ago
Hi, I love singing and playing piano. I serve on the Praise Team at my church and also lead worship for a youth service once a month. I provide my keyboard skills with another band that plays at a Barn Worship Service once a month, usually the first Friday of every month. I love to sing for the Lord and I desire to use my gifts that He has blessed me with in any opportunity that comes my way. I am excited to see where this journey takes me. Either way it goes, I am still going to continue singing and playing for my Savior. Because without Him none of it would be possible. Thanks for this opportunity. Also excited to see and hear the other contestants that are part of this as well.
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Tabatha Caraway




Matt Fawcett
me2 – thank you for being a friend! https://open.spotify.com/track/5WLBrzytYwuxCZ1NjJKUWu?si=929b649ca5384478 – Sincerely – in Christ, ~ thurane